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Camille Corot Artworks Stickers


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Camille Corot Artworks Stickers(圖1)-速報App

More than 435 stickers of Camille Corot Artworks! Add them to your iMessages and use this masterspieces to customize your messages. Impress your friends with your knowledge !

- Boid Guillaumi, near Rouen A Gate Flanked by Two Posts

- Dieppe End of a Pier and the Sea

- Fontainebleau, Storm over the Plains

- Moret sur Loing, the Bridge and the Church

- Shipyard in Honfleur

- Fontainebleau

- Fontainebleau, the Road to Chailly

- Between Lake Geneva and the Alps

- Honfleur, The Old Wharf

- Italian Peasant Boy

- Little Chaville

- Self Portrait, Sitting next to an Easel

- The Colosseum, seen through the Arcades of the Basilica of Constantine

- Ville d'Avray Edge of the Woods with a Female Cowherd

- Ariccia, Palazzo Chigi

- Cascade of Terni

- Castel Gandolfo

- Civita Castellana and Mount Soracte

- Clump of Trees at Civita Castellana

- Lake Piediluco

- Old Man Seated on Corot s Trunk

- On the Banks of the Tiber

- Papigno, Buildings Overlooking the Valley

- Rocks at Civita Castellana

- Temple of Minerva Medica

- The Augustan Bridge at Narni

- The Forum seen from the Farnese Gardens, Rome

- View from the Farnese gardens, Rome

- View of the Colosseum from the Farnese Gardens

- View of the Roman Compagna

- Civita Castellana

- Civita Castellana Buildings High in the Rocks (La Porta San Salvatore)

- Marino, Large Buildings on the Rocks

- Mont Soracte

- Mount Soracte

- Olevano, La Serpentara

- Olevano, the Town and the Rocks

- Rocks at Civita Castellana

- Rome The Fountain of the Academie de France

- Rome, Castle Sant Angelo

- Rome, the Basilica of Constantine

- Rome, the Trinita dei Monti View from the Gardens of the Academie de France

- The Pont de Narni

- The Roman Campagna (La Cervara)

- The Roman Campagna (La Cervara)

- The Tibre River Hemmed in by the Collines

- Trees and Rocks at La Serpentara

- Young Italian Woman from Papigno with Her Spindle

- A Seated Italian from Paeigno Facing Front

- Aqueducts in the Roman Campagna

- Basilica of Constantine

- Island of San Bartolommeo

- Italian Monk Reading

Camille Corot Artworks Stickers(圖2)-速報App

- Italian with Mug

- Ponte Nomentano

- Rocks in Amalfi

- Roman Countryside Rocky Valley with a Herd of Pigs

- The Promenade du Poussin (Roman Campagna)

- The Roman Cammagna, with the Tiber

- The Roman Campagna with the Claudian Aqueduct

- The Tiber near Rome

- View of the Grand Canal, Venice, from the Riva degli Schiavone

- Woman with Mandolin

- Portrait of a Gentleman

- A Farmyard near Fontainebleau

- Alexina Ledoux

- Chartres Cathedral

- Fishing Boars Beached in the Chanel

- Honfleur Calvary on the Cote de Grace

- Honfleur Fishing Boat

- Houses near Orleans

- Orleans, View from a Window Overlooking the Saint Peterne Tower

- The Inn at Montigny les Cormeilles

- The Raging One

- The Roman Campagna in Winter

- View of the Pont au Change from Quai de Gesvres

- A Farm in the Nievre

- Cabins with Mill on the River Bank

- Jimieges

- La Cervara, the Roman Countryside

- Louise Harduin in Mourning

- Marie Louise Sennegon

- Landscape Composition Italian Scenery

- The Forest of Fontainebleau

- Fontainebleau Black Oaks of Bas Breau

- General View of the Town of Saint Lo

- Portrait of Octavie Sennegon

- Soissons Seen from Mr. Henry s Factory

- Soissons, Houses and Factory of Mr. Henry

- Toussaint Lemaistre, Architect

- Rouen Seen from Hills Overlooking the City

- Town and Lake Como

- Trinita dei Monti from the Villa Medici

- Venice - View of Campo della Carita looking towards the Dome of the Salute

- Venice View of the Esclavons Quay

- View at Riva, Italian Tyrol

- View of Genoa

- View of Pierrefonds

- Voltarra the Citadel

- Volterra

- Volterra, Church and Bell Tower

- Bridge on the Saône River at Mâcon

- Florence, The Boboli Gardens

- Fontainebleau, the Bas Breau Road

- Fountainebleau With Georges d'Apremont

- Geneva View of Part of the City

- Hagar in the Wilderness

Camille Corot Artworks Stickers(圖3)-速報App

- Madame Corot, the Artist's Mother, Born Marie Francoise Oberson


Camille Corot Artworks Stickers(圖4)-速報App

支援平台:iPhone, iPad